ZNEWS Archives for 1984

Two new groups: Save Austin's Neighborhoods and Environment (SANE) and the People's Pac have joined to form on huge united political action committee dedicated to picking issues and electing candidatas who have rlrs~d) contributed to neighborhood and environment preservation for the City Council election this Spring. Membership from both groups were composed of neighborhood people, environmentalists, energy specialists, and people workly on affordable housing and job issues. The fund raising techniques of Uw grows differed: Ule Peole's Pa concentrated on canvassing and telephone banking, while SANE held hems parties, garage sales, and concert! (featuring Kerry Pryer & the lee Poy Parness Band, Emie Sky L Christine Albert, Bill Olivrr, Oary P. Nunn, Steve Fromholt, and the Supernatural Family Band -- all of whom donated their talents t~o this cawe). When the grow combined forces. they also combined their methods of rund raising. The SANE-People's Pac officers are: Co-presrdents - (ilenn Scott, member of the City's Major Employer Task force, founding member ofAwtk fair Budget Coalition and Austin Coalition for Fair Housing; end Jwnes Pinedo; founder of SANE and United Soutl Austin, past president of USA and Bouldln Creek Neighborhood Association. Covice-presidents - DarylJanes, Chair of the Energy Menegement Commission, member of Zilltcw Neighborhood Association; and Heather Ball, member of Affordable Housing Task Force. Secret~y - Jackie Goodman, member of the Parks h Recreation Board, and member of Ule Cower tan Neighborhood Association. Treasurer - Glenna Belch, Chair of United South Austin, member of Zilker Neighborhood Association. ~men a developer has been relatively smell, Zilker Nei~hborhood Association has had the rttsntion of ail pewie on Uw City Council. For this we are grateful. However, when the devaloper is wealthy end influential, the Council is not a receptive to neighborhood concerns. The tNA example of this is Ule toning change allowed for the building of ( skyscraper on Barton Spgs. Rd. where tle Jalapejio Chsrlief Restaurant wed to be. We lost in a 5 - 2 vote will Silly Shipman and Roger Duncan on our sider Developers who contribute a lot of cempaign money have been gaining r lot of voter. We need your help to be more effective. Membership dues in SANE-People's Pac is ~20.00. Dueww contributions may be mailed to SANE9eople's Pac. P.O, Box BDiBB, Austin, Texas, 787~3. For additiona mnformalon call Glenna at 442--0554, or leave a message on J#nes Plnedof answering service at 835-693~. UNITED SOUTH WSTIN After a prssentation on Single Member Districts (Tarry Davis against; Oary Wltt for), United South AusMn voted ii favor of the concept of Single Member Districts rather thanthe "at-large' system we now have. tJSA formed I committee to study the boundaries for single member districts. Please notify Glenna Belch, 442-0554 or Richer Gravois, 441-3430, if you want to be on this committee. Ckr Saturday, January 19th, Austin voters will go to the polls to decided on three important issue for our rgid growing city: Whether or no to move the Robert Mueller Airport: whether or not to preserve the open space a parkland around Municipal Auditorium; whether or not to rprove Single-Member City Council Districts. Zllk Preclnct(332) votes heavily. For the November 6th Presidential Elections, we had an 80X voter turnout. Plea keep informed on the issues. DAIIWRC VACCree): Homesetting for my 10 month old daughter. Please call Emilie Latcher, home

0; work-473-9~31..topic zoning
RECENT ZONING CASES .zoning_toomey Sterzing Road on Toomey (behind Chuy's on Barton Springs Rd.) The building proposed is to serve as Law offices and was very handsome in the drawing presented by the applicant. The applicant wanted zoning for 2nd H & A which would allow a 6 story building. ZNA objected to up-zoning because of the effect an other lots which could aIlow very intense devslopment right next to Barton Creek. The case passed through Plaming Commission and was OK.'d by City Council withe the added provision that the Zoning would revert back to the original 1st H & A if this specific plan were not implementsd.
Index(0; work-473-9~31..topic zoning)

Goodrich Place (on Goodrich between Frazier and Bluebonnet) Applicant wanted A-2 Zoning for condos; propoul wa postponed by council; for 12 units. The propsosal passedPlaming Commission but was postponed by Council, who strongly suggested that the applicvant include a site plan containing no more than 10 units, The application has resubmitted with a site plan of 10 units: 2 BR, 2 Bath, 1000-1100 so. ft., 2 car garage. Anyone wanting to see the plan can call Richard at 397-4616 or 441-3430.

Brton Springs Road as a Scenic Arterial Recently Ms. Susan Toomey Frost proposed that Barton Springs Road be designated as "Scenic Arterial' in the Urban Transportation Master Roadway Plan. This would affect the types of signs that could be put on it and a few other restrictions that would prevent it from becoming another Burnet Road. This proposal is comnendable, and anyone having opinions on it is invited to make them known to the City.

Lost Canyon Condos (behind the Sigmor Shamrock on Barton Spgs. Rd.) The problem here was the location of the driveway: Should it be on Barton Spgs. Rd. where it has always been, or should it be moved up Kinney Avenue (100 feet up the hill)? The decision is still in limbo. In May, the City Council moved that access should remain on Barton Springs Rd. In October the developer againasked the Council for access to Kinney Ave - citing a traffic study. No one on the Courcil would make a motion me way or the other. As it stands now, if Lost Canyon is to be developed, it will use Barton Springs Road for acess.

Town LAKE ALLIANCE SUCCESS At the beginning of 1984 strong pressure from the Chamber of Commerce began to mount to build a large convention center next to Municipal Auditorium. The proposad development would be built to thesevere detrement of South Austin neighborhoods, including Zlker. There are at least three issues surrounding the proposed comention canter, First there is the increase in traffic noise, and commercial encroachment would mak a the center a nuisance at best and a disaster at worst.
Secondly, the center would take over 56 acres that we currently need as park land, greenbelt, and open space. This land could be expanded as a dedicated park for Central Austin. Some of the land now used for parking for Municipal Auditorium could be reclaimed for a park if the City decided to locate parking undergrowrd. Third and finally, the proposed convention facility would be located away from downtown hotels and tourist attractiom which might economically benefit from such a facility.
A group of interested people, many from South Austin neighborhood groups, began meeting to resolve the situation. This group, the Town Lake Alliance, eventually began a legally binding charter amandmant petition to restrict building around Municipal Auditorium. The group needed to collect the sigmtures of 5X of the City's registered voters. Most work was done with volunteers from neighborhood groups. The Alliance succeeded in gathering over 19.000 signatures, far surpassing the number needed to put the issue to a public vote.
This was a great accomplishment, but much work remains to be done. The election , which will be held Saturday, January 19th, will require money, volunteer help, and votes. Contributions can be sent to Town Lake Alliance, P.O. Box 49241, Austin, Tx. 78765. People who wish to volunteer for campaign work can call 835-8934. Most of all, remember to vote on January 19th. Let's win one for neighborhoods.BROKEN SPOKE STEAKS ~ CHICKEN FRIED STEAKS ~ LUNCHES MEXICAN FOOD ~ BAR-B-QUE COOKED ON OUR OWN PIT Kitchen Open 10:30 a.m. 'til 10:30 p.m. closed Sunday Now SERVING mixed Beverages LIVE COUNTRY MUSIC AND DANCING 9 p.m. 'til 2 a.m. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Available for private Parties Seating up to 400 Plan your next party at the Broken Spoke" Broken Spoke 3201 South Lamar