ZNEWS Articles beginning with the letter (v)


Voter Registration. Register to vote in the May election by April .
1992_March vote


Register to vote by October for the November election! Vote by mail if you are unable togo to a polling place. To have a ballot mailed to you, call 473-9473, and ask about voting by mail. Your ballot must be returned by Ocotber 30th for the November elec- tion. .toioc neighborhood_watch Neighborhood Watch can be formed block by block or for larger areas. Form a group with your neighbors and call Police Community Services at 834-'t~55. There are two mandatory meetings, and your area must have a 50% or greater participation rate to get a sign posted.
How burglar proof is your home? Find out by arranging a home audit with Police Community Services at 834-7955.
Ideas and questions about the neighborhood are always wel come!
Call your ZNA President, Margaret Reed-Lade, at
1992_September vote


Get ready for the November 8th election!
If you're new to the neighborhood, come out and register to vote here! We will have voter registration cards at the ZNA meeting. (Cards are also available at Foodland, HEB, the Courthouse, and the public library.) Voter registration closes October 9th. For more voter information, contact Richard Gravois, 441-3430.

1994_October vote


Get Out The Vote - once again we are taking nominations for President of Zilker Neighborhood Association. But this time we actually have a candidate; Charles Whitford, (formerly of Treadwell Street, now of Cater) is interested in taking on the task. We applaud his interest, and hereby give the opportunity for anyone else to throw their hat into the ring. We also need a Secretary, and help with the newsletter. ZNA welcomes all interested parties. If you are interested in becoming more involved in Zilker Neighborhood goings- on, please consider becoming a ZNA Board Member. Your participation and input would be welcome and appreciated. Please contact Marcellina Kampa 440-1475 if you are interested.
We will vote on these offices at the upcoming meeting.
1996_July vote


Super Tuesday, Swell Wednesday, Good Friday
Hey folks, what with the yard signs springing up like weeds, it can only mean one thing:
elections are right around the corner.
Super Tuesday March 12 - Party Primaries. Caucus @ 7:15 pm.
Saturday April 13th - AISD Bond elections.
Saturday May 4th - Austin City Council elections.
We will have voter registration material at the meeting. AISD Bonds and City Council won't have the glamour of Super Tuesday, but they are just as important.
Precinct 332 votes at Zilker School
Precinct 462 votes at Parks and Rec (200 S. Lamar)
1996_March vote


VOTE the day before Easter)
If you are planning a trip that weekend, you can vote absentee at the Municipal Building, 8th and Colorado, or at the South Austin Multi-Purpose Center, 2508 Durwood, March 14 - 19.

1983_March vote