ZNEWS Articles beginning with the letter (r)


A rapist has been victimizing our neighborhood. Last week, a Zilker neighbor went out to water her lawn at dusk, and when she went back into her house an assailant was waiting. The police don't a have a good description of the attacker. Be on guard: keep your screens latched, doors locked and eyes open for suspicious characters.
1989_September rapist


It's simple--recycle. We can't alter the recent environmental catastrophes, but we can lower our personal contribution to landfills and return some resources to the world. Our neighborhood recycling day is Tuesday. Put our your newspapers, tin and aluminum cans and glass out for the recycle truck.
1989_June recycle


The city recycling people have asked us to inform all citizens who are currently recycling to observe some basic guidelines. When putting out your newspapers, do not include shiny or colored supplements (includes Sunday comix, Target, Mervyn's flyers, etc.). These kinds of papers apparently do not bleach well and are unreclaimable for reusage. If they get into the recycling batch, the city can't sell the papers. If you have been separating your glass by colors, you need not bother to do so any longer. Wine jugs, mayo jars and root beer bottles
1989_September recycle


Let's see.., smoking is out, bacon is bad for you, ditto nicotine and coffee. Every time we pick up the paper one of life's small pleasures is denied us. Why not take up recycling ? Those of us who already have will avow that for a feeling of guiltless well-being nothing beats placing a week's worth of Statemans curbside. Even a bucket full of empty Miller Lite cans takes on a sheen of nobility in the gray dawn of a Tuesday morn. Try it, you'll see.
On Tuesday set out:
1. Newspapers, bundled or in a grocery sack.
2. Aluminum and tin cans
3. Glass

1990_February recycle


Recycling at its most convenient has come to Zilker Neighborhood (and to Barton Hills, too). Now is the time for you to consider just what goes into your garbage every day and determines its reuse value. Your few bottles, cans and newspapers may not seem like much, but add them to those of the other 1259 homes in the Zilker Neighborhood, and you come up with tons of materials (read resources) which deserve better treatment than a wasteful burial at the landfill.
Every Tuesday is Recycling Day in Zilker, and you have the opportunity to keep glass, metal and newspapers out of the garbage by setting them to one side for special pick-up by the City's recycling crews. Set out your separated items at the curb by 8 a.m. on Tuesdays. Here are the "how to's" on separation: Newspaper only (no other paper, please) should be bagged, boxed or bundled; both aluminum and steel cans should be set out in the same container; however, glass must be separated by color--clear, green, brown. (The glass company in Waco will not accept mixed glass from us). If it's a rainy day, protect newspapers or save them for a drier pick-up day. All glass and metal items should be rinsed free of food.
The containers you use to store your recyclables in will be returned to your curb. If you participate in the program, you may find that every other week pick-ups are all you need. It is not necessary to set out recycling every Tuesday if you only have a small amount.
For the old-time recyclers, the City's curbside recycling collection is a welcome relief from all those week-end trips to Ecology Action's drop-off center on South First Street to unload a trunkfull of recyclables. (Ecology Action has been instrumental in helping the city set up this program.) To those (
you, however, who are newcomers to "source separation recyling, there are adjustments to be made. Looking at your garbage in all its various parts takes some getting used to. The first few weeks are the hardest. I always tell people who are unsure about setting up their households for recycling to "try it for ten weeks." That's about how long it takes to rework the engrained habits of the waste ethic into positive habits of conservation. To help you in the transition 5-gallon recyling containers are available for $1.00 the Fire Station at 1705 S. Congress.
The success and continued expansion of the recycling program depends on the n umber of citizens suporting it by participating in it. So far in Zilker 33% of us are participating. That's over 400 homes--an impressive statistic for a voluntary program in its second week in our neighborhood. In those two weeks,
tons from the Zilker Neighborhood alone have been kept out of the waste stream. On Wright Street last Tuesday, 90% of the residents set out material for collection!
Although the recycling crews are working to provide you good service, we occasionally miss a pick-up or two. If you have any problems with getting your recycling picked up, or if you need more information please give me a call at the City's Solid Waste Services Division--477-6511, ext. 2640.Beth Brown, Program Manager for Recycling and Zilker Neighborhood Resident

1983_May recycle


Restaurant Row -
Barton Springs Road is hopping these days with all the popular restaurants, coffee shops and stores, and pedestrians. Poco Loco, a bar and nightclub owned by the folks who run Serranos, is reported to open in mid-March in the old Cafe Brazil spot. With that we can expect increased traffic in the neighborhood, and potentially a sound assault if live music is cranked up. What can we do to assure that neighboring nightspots respect both our peace of mind and our streets? Serrano’s number is 328-9200.
1996_March Restaurant


Barton Springs Road Noise
The noise from Pulpo Loco will be gone this summer as Serranos has closed it and opened in Round Rock. Good Luck. Chuy's Comida Deluxe, owners of Shady Grove along with their partner KGSR has proposed some major changes to their summer music program. The series has been shortened from 25 to 18 weeks. The music will begin no earlier than 8:00 and end no later than 10:00. The series will be oriented toward a singer/songwriter format with only one or two people on stage. We all are in hopes that this will work and without amplified bass and drums it stands a good chance.
1997_March Road


Barton Springs RoadTrash
Shady Grove and Chuy's (both owned by Mike Young of Chuy's) have initiated a monthly trash sweep of Barton Springs Road with teams of their employees. Great idea and thanks. They've asked our association for volunteers. The sweep is the first Saturday of each month and volunteers are asked to meet at Shady Grove at 8:45.
Please help.
1997_March roadtrash


There will be a presentation by the engineering firm that has been hired by the City of Austin to redesign Barton Springs Boulevard from South Lamar Boulevard to Robert E. Lee Road. There will be an update on the Robert E. Lee Road/Barton Springs Boulevard intersection by the City of Austin Public Works Transportation Engineering Department.
1993_August roadworks


5. Roadwork. There will be a presentation by the City of Austin Public Works Transportation Engineering Department about Barton Springs Boulevard from South Lamar Boulevard to Zilker Park and also about Robert E. Lee Road.·
1993_June roadworks


Robert E. Lee / Barton Springs Rd Intersetion
Several weeks prior to the meeting with public works I had f;uted the Mayor and members of the Council regarding Robert E. Lee sliding into the creek It the Barton Springs Rd. intersection. Council Member Mitchell introduced tile fax at a Wednesday Council work session. Subsequently at the meeting with Public Works, Betty Brown gave a letter to Peter Rieck that she had hand-delivered to the Mayor and Council Members regarding the terrible condition of the intersection. Public Works stated at our meeting regarding Barton Springs Rd. that absolutely no money was available for Robert E. Lee and it was not proposed to be in the next bond election but they would look at it.

This week after many phone calls uld f:Jxes I received a copy of a letter tc, Betty Brown dated Feb. 26 from Public Works under the Mayor's signature stating tllnt Public Works is planning to bid the re-construction of the Robert E. Lee intersection along with tile bid for Barton Springs Rd. in January 1998.
1997_March Robert


Robert E Lee Construction
You probably have noticed over the past year that the intersection of Robert E Lee and Barton Springs Rd. has been steadily falling into the creek. Betty Brown of the Barton Hills Neighborhood Association and I have pressed the issue of rrpair with the City Council and Public Works. As a result, the City will begin construction this month. Unfortunately, during the several months of work, traffic will be re-routed through our eighborhood. The inconvenience will be necessary to have a safe intersection for continued heavy traffic in the future.
1997_September Robert