OHAN Bylaws OAK HILL ASSOCIATION OF NEIGHBORHOODS BY-LAWS Directory: ADDRESS GOALS PURPOSE MEMBERSHIP DUES OFFICERS DUTIES OF OFFICERS DUTIES OF NEIGHBORHOOD REPS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTION OF OFFICERS MEETINGS ORDER OF BUSINESS REPRESENTATION BYLAWS AMENDMENTS MADE ARTICLE I. ADDRESS This association shall be known as Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods, and its principle address will be the address of the current elected president. ARTICLE II. GOALS The goals of the Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods, also known as OHAN, are to enhance and preserve the quality of life through an orderly, reasonable, and beneficial growth; providing development and improvement of utilities, water, waste water, schools, and transportation; creation of parks and other recreational facilities; protection of vast natural resources such as the creeks, the aquifer, trees, hills, and wildlife. ARTICLE III. PURPOSE The purpose of the Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods is to offer the Oak Hill Neighborhood Associations a forum to address and solve problems of the Oak Hill area and dissemination of information between Oak Hill Neighborhood Associations, city and county governments, and other organizations. ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP Membership is to be open to any neighborhood association within the zip code areas 78735, 78736, 78737, 78739, 78749. The neighborhood association may appoint one permanent member and one alternate. Each neighborhood association representative must have the authority to vote, speak, and make decisions for their neighborhood association. Each neighborhood association is allowed one vote. A tie is a NO vote. ARTICLE V. DUES Membership dues are to be thirty-five ($35) dollars per Neighborhood Association per year. Annual dues are due payable at the first meeting of the Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods' fiscal calendar year, starting October 1st. ARTICLE VI. OFFICERS The officers of the Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The term of office shall be one year from October through September. Officers may serve unlimited consecutive terms. A majority of attending permanent members(or alternate, if the permanent member is absent) may elect officers. At the discretion of the officers, committees may be appointed. ARTICLE VII. DUTIES OF OFFICERS The President serves as the Chief Volunteer and elected representative of OHAN. Responsibilities: 1. Preside at the meetings of the organization and at all meetings of the executive committee, assuring adequate discussion and timely resolution of issues 2. Receive all necessary information needed to discuss and resolve issues as planned by the board members and committees and ensure that the meeting agenda is prepared 3. Appoint all committees and shall perform such other duties as are usual to the office including, after authorization by the Executive Committee, the execution of any legal instruments except in cases where signing the execution thereof shall be expressly delegated to some other officer of the organization 4. Serve as the communications/decision point for OHAN to the Austin Neighborhood Council and the media 5. Represent or appoint representatives of the Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods as is necessary from time to time 6. Appoint a Nominating Committee to assure prompt succession of officers occurs at the conclusion of tenure The Vice-President responsibilities: 1. Call representatives prior to meetings 2. Perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President The Secretary responsibilities: 1. Keep accurate records of all meetings of the membership and the Executive Committee 2. Keep a roster of the membership 3. Compile minutes of the meetings 4. Produce a monthly newsletter. Typing, copying, and mailing services shall be paid for from the Treasury. The Secretary shall receive assistance from all board members, as necessary The Treasurer responsibilities: 1. Receive all money into the organization and keep an accurate account thereof 2. Make all disbursements after same shall be authorized by the Executive Committee or OHAN membership 3. Keep an accurate account of disbursements 4. Make a written report monthly or as requested by the President ARTICLE VIII. DUTIES OF NEIGHBORHOOD REPRESENTATIVES Each neighborhood representative or designated alternate will attend every OHAN meeting. Each neighborhood must have a representative or alternate present, and those neighborhoods that have missed 3 or more consecutive meetings shall not be required for a quorum. Any representative of a neighborhood must abstain from an Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods vote when he/she would have direct financial gain. ARTICLE IX. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE There will be an Executive Committee to consist of present officers and all Ex-Presidents of OHAN to perform official business of an urgent nature. All officers of the Executive Committee shall have a vote, except the President, who shall not have a vote. A tie vote is a no vote. ARTICLE X. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The initial officers shall be in position for one year. All Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of and shall hold office for one (1) year or until their successors are duly elected and in place. If a vacancy occurs, the Executive Committee shall serve as a nominating committee and shall hold an election at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Elections will be held at the September meeting of every year. ARTICLE XI. MEETINGS Regular periodic meetings of this organization shall be held according to a schedule to be approved by the Executive Committee. The exact place and time of each meeting shall be set by the President. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President. Each officer shall be notified by the Vice-President or the President as to the time and place of all special meetings in advance of forty-eight (48) hours. To have a valid meeting under which official business may be discussed, voted upon, or policy adopted, a quorum must be present. A quorum is 50%+ one of the member neighborhoods which have not missed more than 3 of the past three consecutive meetings. Members may vote by proxy, but, members represented by proxy shall not be counted towards a quorum. The Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods meeting will be run using Roberts Rules of Order. ARTICLE XII. ORDER OF BUSINESS The order of business shall be: 1. Call to order, introductions 2. Minutes 3. Treasurer's report 4. Committee reports 5. Unfinished business 6. New business 7. Adjournment ARTICLE XIII. REPRESENTATION Each neighborhood representative or designated alternate present, and those neighborhoods which have missed 3 consecutive meetings shall not be required for a quorum ARTICLE XIV. BY-LAWS The by-laws of this organization may not be amended, repealed or added to, or new by-laws adopted, without written notice having first been sent by mail to each neighborhood representative at his or her address shown by the records of the organization, or waiver of said notice by each neighborhood representative and affirmative majority vote of the neighborhood representatives present at the time said proposed amendments are voted upon. December 8, 1993: Tom Rebstock made motion Sally Wolstromer seconded to amend Article VIII as follows: "Each neighborhood representative or designated alternate present, and those neighborhoods which have missed 3 consecutive meetings shall not be required for a quorum". The motion amended to delete the next sentence in the article. December 8, 1993: Bill Bishop made the motion and Tom Rebstock seconded to amend Article XI as follows: "a quorum is 50%+ one of the member neighborhoods which have not missed more than 3 of the past three consecutive meetings. Motion passed, amended to remove "active" in Article XIII. Created by Cliff Anderson. Last modified: April 8, 1997.