( Revised by-laws are proposed for membership vote July 29.) Cherrywood Neighborhood Association Austin, TX By-Laws (as amended January 25, 1996) Preamble Desiring to encourage a safe, aesthetic, civil living environment for children and adults of all backgrounds and persuasions, and hoping it will help draw community families together in a spirit of mutual self-help, Cherrywood residents give life to this voluntary membership organization. Article 1. Name Cherrywood Neighborhood Association, herein the Association Article 2. Purposes a. Identify neighborhood problems. Monitor private initiatives and public policies significant to Cherrywood b. Pursue solutions and actions favored by members c. Inform Cherrywood neighbors of local developments of common interest Article 3. Membership All residents 18 or older of the area bounded by IH 35 (west), Manor Road (south), Airport Boulevard (east), and East 38½ Street plus the area around Maplewood School extending to Halfpenny Road, Sycamore Drive, and Wilshire Boulevard (north) are members [Needs amending: The membership voted 1-28-98 to unite with Schieffer in the triangle formed by Airport, 38½, and Cherrywood] |Article 4. Voting A quorum for votes of record is twenty members. With or without a quorum, "sense-of-meeting" votes are open to all attending To amend these By-Laws, two-thirds of members attending must approve; to elect an officer, a plurality; for all other business, a simple majority Each officer is elected by secret ballot. Nominations, if seconded, may originate from the floor at the election meeting. Members may vote for more than one nominee. The one receiving the most total votes is elected At the request of one member, any vote shall be taken by secret ballot At the request of 25 per cent of members attending, any vote shall be postponed once until the next regular or special meeting Article 5. Officers Election of officers, who must be Association members for their tenure in office, shall be the first item of business each calendar year, unless a decision to postpone is taken at the previous regularly scheduled meeting. The President shall fill vacancies by apppointment until the next regularly scheduled meeting, at which a successor shall be elected. The next listed officer below shall substitute for one unable to perform his or her duties. a. President. Presides, appoints and coordinates committees, speaks for the Association officially, and reports at each regular meeting on the state of the Association b. Vice-President. Stands in for the President as needed c. Treasurer. Maintains an Association bank account, collects and disburses funds including dues as authorized by the Association, accounts for Association assets, and reports at each regular meeting on Association finances d. Secretary. Keeps minutes of each regular and special meeting, and maintains a directory of active neighbors with phone numbers and contact addresses e. Others as needed Article 6. Committees Standing committees, temporary committees, and task forces are appointed by the President on the guidance of the membership. Normally standing committees include: a. Communications, with responsibility for publishing and distributing the Flea, announcing regular and special meetings, and publicizing events b. Neighborhood Spirit, with responsibility for encouraging cohesiveness and morale within the Cherrywood area through social get-togethers, neighborhood events, collaboration with Maplewood School, and other initiatives designed to foster a sense of genuine community [Might need amending: the Spirit-Action Committee has taken on this function] Article 7. Finance Annual dues may be set by membership vote on recommendation of the Treasurer In the event of dissolution of the Association, the membership if possible or otherwise the President shall arrange for disposition of Association assets Article 8. Meetings Regular meetings, held at least four times annually at widely publicized times and places give priority to ordinary business following an announced agenda Special meetings, called by the President, or by another officer with the endorsement of at least twenty members, to deal with emergencies, must be publicized to all member households at least 48 hours in advance to maximize participation Procedure is by Roberts Rules of Order unless otherwise decided. Reference. Brief Introduction on-line Approval voting Works like familiar voting except support for more than one candidate can be expressed. Say 75 members must choose between two popular candidates; 10 clearly want nominee A, 15 clearly want nominee B, and 50 only slightly prefer B. (1) Under approval voting the 50 could choose A and B, and B would win 65 to 60. (2) Under familiar voting the 50 might split 40 to 10 for B, and B would win 55 to 20. Both systems would elect the same person, but the new one would better reveal the support enjoyed by each. If a 3rd candidate C were nominated, under approval voting members could simply add a vote for C without having to subtract it from A or B, or they could express an opinion such as "A or B but not C." Search Key = chrrywd