Zilker Neighborhood Association Bylaws

Annotated with amendments proposed by the Bylaws Committee

September 16, 1998


01 Article I -- Name

The name of this organization shall be Zilker Neighborhood Association, a non-profit organization, hereinafter referred to as the Association.

02 Article II -- Purpose

The purpose of the Association is to seek to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood in matters of land use, environmental protection, public services, consumer protection, preservation of the historic and unique character of the community; and to provide support in other matters of neighborhood concern; and to promote and participate in the civic life of the city.

03 Article III -- Objectives

The objectives of this association are to:

1. Represent and advance the interests of residents in the neighborhood.

2. Keep all residents informed of issues vital to the neighborhood by appropriate communications and meetings.

3. Establish standing and ad-hoc committees to investigate and make recommendations to the association on all matters of neighborhood concern.

4. Seek the improvement of single and multiple dwellings by residents and absentee home owners and apartment owners.

5. Establish mutual protection and safety.

6. Improve safety of the streets through better traffic control.

7. Provide a greater emphasis on inclusion of apartment dwellers as integral members of the community, even though their tenancy may be of short duration.

8. Facilitate the education of residents regarding all available options open to them relating to the problems of home ownership, zoning, rights, etc.

9. Work toward development and preservation of natural green spaces, parks, trees, landscaping and general' land-use management.

10. Develop, adopt, and monitor a neighborhood plan, including an inventory of land uses and facilities.


04 Article IV -- Membership

Section 1 -- Eligibility

a. Membership in the association shall be open to all persons 18 and over residing in the neighborhood. precinct 332 excluding any other existing associations).

b. Membership shall be issued to individuals upon payment of annual dues (see also article V, section 3 regarding eligibility to vote).

Section 2 -- Dues

a. Dues shall be paid at the beginning of each fiscal year according to the following schedule: $3.00 per individual . [or as set by a vote of the membership]

b. All memberships expire at the end of each fiscal year, if dues for the following fiscal year are unpaid. A person whose membership has expired enjoys a one year grace period during which he may pay dues and reinstate membership at any time.

Section 3 - - Honorary Membership

Honorary membership may be awarded to persons who have performed services which tend to further the purpose of the association. The election of honorary membership shall be by majority vote. Honorary members shall have no vote.

05 Article V--Voting

Section 1

A quorum shall be necessary for the transaction of association business. In no event, however, shall a A quorum be constituted with less than fifteen or more members represented.

Section 2

An affirmative vote of more than fifty per cent of the members constituting a quorum present and voting shall be binding on the association.

Section 3

All members joining after 1 July 1981 will be registered at their initial meeting and are not eligible to vote until the following meeting. A person who reinstates membership during his grace period may vote at the same meeting at which he pays his reinstatement dues.

06 Article VI -- Officers

Section 1 -- Executive Officers

The officers of the Association shall be elected from the active membership and shall be a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, newsletter editor, and delegate to neighborhood umbrella groups [such as] the Austin Neighborhoods Council and Save Austin Neighborhoods and Environment, United South Austin, [and Social Chairman]. These six [seven] elected officers shall be members of the executive committee, and shall be empowered to co-sign checks.

Section 2 -- Elections

Officers shall be nominated for one-year terms at the May fall regular meeting. Elections shall be by secret written ballot at the May fall meeting. Ballots shall be opened and counted as the first order of business at the May fall regular meeting. Officers-elect shall be installed immediately thereafter.

Section 3 -- Nominations

Nominations for officers may come from the general membership, and must be received by the executive committee or nominations committee no later than one week prior to the May fall meeting at which the executive committee will present the slate of nominees for election.

Section 4 - - Duties of Officers

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Association and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The president shall be empowered to speak on behalf of the Association consistent with the objectives and prior resolutions of the Association. Such statements shall be submitted to the members at the next regular meeting.

The Vice-President shall fulfill the duties of the President in the President's absence, shall chair the membership committee and shall serve as the parliamentarian of the Association.

The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping an accurate record of all business of the Association and for all outside correspondence of the Association.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the Association monies, shall keep an accurate record of receipts- and expenditures, and shall co-sign all checks drawn on the account of the Association, and shall report each meeting on thebalance in the account and the number of active members.

The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for communication within the Association and shall give notice of all regular meetings to the area residents.

This notice shall take the form of the newsletter, the content of which shall be consistent with the purposes of the Association as set out in Article II and shall be subject to approval by the Executive Committee..

The Austin Neighborhoods Council Delegate shall attend all meetings of the

Austin Neighborhoods Council and shall be responsible for all communication

between the Association and the Austin Neighborhoods Council. A first and second

alternative delegate shall be appointed each year by the Executive Committee to

serve in case of the ANC Delegate's absence. These alternates, however, shall

not serve on the Executive Committee.

Section 5 -- Removal from office

Any officer may be removed from office for cause at any meeting by two-thirds of

the membership present and voting, providing that notice has been furnished to the membership by mail at least two weeks prior to said meeting.

Section 6 - - Replacement of Officers

When necessary, vacant offices may be filled at any meeting by the Executive

Committee for the unexpired portion of the term.

07 Article VII -- Meetings and Organization

Section 1 -- Regular Meetings

Meetings of the general membership of the Association shall be held once each quarter as set by the Executive Committee. month on the first Monday of each month or on such other day as a majority of the members may agree to.

Section 2 -- Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee. A special meeting may also be called by a petition signed by 25 members. The agenda of a meeting called by petition shall be limited to the specific items listed in the petition.

Section 3 -- Fiscal year

The fiscal year of the Association shall run from October 1 June to September 30. 31 May.

08 Article VIII - Committees

Section 1 -- Executive Powers

The Executive Committee shall transact necessary business in the intervals between regular meetings and such other business as may be referred to it by the Association, and shall appoint all committees and approve the work of such committees.

Section 2 - - Executive Committee

a. The Executive Committee shall consist of all six [or seven] officers, all chairpersons of committees and no more than 5 other ex officio members. to be appointed by the President.

b. Ex officio members shall include the Principal of Zilker Elementary, the President of the Zilker Elementary Parent-Teacher Association, and representatives from the executive committees of reciprocating merchant or landowner groups. A reciprocating merchant or landowner group is one with boundaries contained within or overlapping the neighborhood which offers a seat on its executive committee to a member of the ZNA executive committee. Ex officio members shall not vote.

c. The President serves as presiding officer. This committee shall conduct all business of the Association as required, and shall meet upon the call of the President or upon the call of three committee members. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be open to interested members.

09 Article IX -- Parliamentary Authority

When not inconsistent with these bylaws, Robert's Rule of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of Procedure. These rules may be suspended at any meeting by a majority vote.

10 Article X -- Prohibition

The identity of Association members shall be confidential and may not be released without permission of the members concerned.

11 Article XI -- Special Provisions

Section 1

These bylaws shall become effective upon approval of two-thirds of the members present at the organizational meeting.

Section 2

Other provisions of these bylaws not withstanding: officers may be elected immediately following approval of the bylaws and shall serve until new officers are elected and installed in accordance with the provisions of Article VI, Section 2; dues paid by charter members shall constitute dues paid-in-full until May 31, 1982.

Section 3

The end of a fiscal year shall be the time for electing officers, balancing financial records, and renewing membership.

Section 4

If the Association is dissolved, all assets shall be given to the Zilker Elementary School Library.

12 Article XII -- Amendment of Bylaws

These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members constituting a quorum provided that the amendment(s) has been submitted in writing to the membership at the previous meeting.

13 Article XIII -- Neighborhood Boundaries

Section 1

The neighborhood shall include voting precincts 332 and 462 and the property fronting both sides of the boundary streets.

Section 2

The Executive Committee shall negotiate boundary disputes with neighboring associations.


Respectfully submitted,

Richard Gravois & Robin Cravey